Sunday, July 13, 2008

What Now?

Well, was this the mission field for Jon? How do I know if this is where God would have me to go and serve Him? As I spent time with the missionaries in Spain, I approached them with this question. How did you know Spain was where God wanted you? I found that invariably the answer would always be two things. First lots of prayer, and secondly, just take those "open doors" as they come along the way. So as I journey through seminary and through Fiber-Line somehow God is going to make it clear to me if I continue to do and seek His will.
The picture above was taken in the city of Merida during my stay in Spain. It is of a beautifully preserved Roman road. The day I took this was a particularly hot day, and the mere stepping into the shade was a relief from the beating sun. This road has made me reflect on one main thing...the journey I have ahead. As I pursue God's calling on my life, I must continue to cast the shadow of prayer all along the way. In the picture it is only partially covered by shade, but my goal is to cover every area of my journey with the shadow of prayer. May every step and decision of my life be shadowed in prayer. Phi 4:6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

1 comment:

Scott A. Fulks said...

Good post. A million questions come to mind about this subject. Would love to pick your mind about it sometime. Have a great week!