Monday, April 16, 2007

it has been a while

running around trying to get projects in, balancing RA responsibilities, filling out graduation invitations, and attempting to have some fun have been the order of the last couple weeks. i have still been learning from I Peter. it's just that i'm reading about wives submitting to their husbands, and, well i'm sure you see the problem. but God is still working in my life and in the lives of the guys in the dorm. i went around tonight asking guys what they had learned in their devoes this morning. it was encouraging to see hear how God is working in their lives. each reading from a different passage, and yet God is molding us into the same image...Jesus Christ. some of us are rougher around the edges than others...therefore a little more conforming is necessary, but God is working in all our lives. i feel at times like a bonsai tree getting clipped here or there, being twisted into some weird shape. the pruning and shaping hurts, but not without purpose.

1 comment:

Helaine DeMarte said...

good thought. About the bonsai tree that is. Makes perfect sense. I am glad that things have been going better for you in the dorm and in life. :) have a super week.

P.S. Thought it was time for a comment since you like them so much. So here you go.